Design Brief
I would like to present you with a packaging design challenge that focuses on this often neglected consumer target, those consumers that are not your typical, average consumer yet still have needs that are not being properly fulfilled or could be fulfilled more effectively. The first special-needs target that comes to mind is the aging population which through the ‘baby boomer’ generation is a massive, significant target. The populations of Canada and the U.S. will each have a major percentage of its population falling within this group. It’s an interesting group dynamic that has enjoyed many years of personal growth and now with their disposable incomes, they have the means and the will to demand a continuing quality of life as they enter old age. Japan for example, is another country that has realized this since a high percentage of its population is over the age of 60, with almost zero population growth and minimal immigration. As a result, many retailers realize their future is represented in this aging group and they have taken significant steps to better address their needs, not only through their packaging but through the redesign of their retail environments and merchandising innovations.
After a substantial amount of research, and trying to decide which "group" I should design for, I realized Special-needs users are also regular people, and I think that all products should
also have special-needs specified alternatives. Through my research, I became quite depressed as I was scrolling endlessly to find products specified for these users. I was upset that one, it was so difficult to find these products, and two, that there are not many products that contribute to their joy of living.
I hereby propose products that could overall increase the joy of living for all these users, inclusively.
- Uno cards/boardgames, etc - Watches - Utensils - Take out- Deliveries- Smart phone- Fashion- Snacks- Aesthetics- Reading- Sex- Sports- Cooking
Cans, bottles, cartons, boxes, etc are too big for less mobile hands, packaging size becomes cumbersome, rigid corners and edges are not ergonomic, products that are housed in multiple layers of packaging create frustration for users, symmetrical packaging do not indicate top from bottom, it’s hard to shop the aisles (motor disabilities, visual impairment), not a lot of packaging that is easy to open either, resealing is a nightmare, items meant to be reused are not ergonomic.
Sleep is the repairative activity that heal our bodies. In many medical studies, sleep is known as a primary inhibitor of illnesses, as well as encourages healing and stronger immune system. Due to the city-life, many people, try as they may, just can’t fall asleep.
Dodow is innovation inspired by studies on cardiac coherence. It is said to be a stress and emotion management tool.It is recognized as one of the simplest and most effective techniques for fighting against anxiety.
Target Market
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in magna at erat blandit tincidunt rhoncus in arcu. Sed vehicula posuere viverra. Suspendisse felis lectus, maximus eget tincidunt eu, dignissim sagittis ex. Sed ac mattis mauris, vel imperdiet metus. Vivamus sed sollicitudin metus. Donec lobortis congue scelerisque. Aliquam accumsan sodales consequat. Suspendisse tempus, ligula id vulputate dapibus, nunc diam pretium sem, ac pretium metus urna in lorem. Sed malesuada finibus ipsum id condimentum. Ut aliquam id ligula id porttitor. Aenean ac ligula orci. Nulla accumsan ut magna ac porta.
rounded fonts give a gentle mood
thin stroke weights become frail
looks like crypto branding, awkward/tense
Design Objectives
create a brandmark that resonates with the product; what it does, how it feels